We work for the day when America’s public lands are understood and appreciated, preserved and conserved and enjoyed by all.

Public lands are not immune to issues of racism and inequality.

At PLA, we believe that all Americans have the right to explore, discover and enjoy their public lands. Public parks, forests, wildlife refuges, lakes and other lands are owned by and for the people. And all people should feel welcomed within them when they arrive as a birder, a jogger, or a protester exercising their right to speak truth to power and to assemble peaceably.

We strive to listen and learn as we fully acknowledge there is work to be done within our own organization. We invite those who share our vision to join us, for we will only eliminate discrimination when we all stand together.

JEDI (as defined by The Avarna Group):

  • Justice: Dismantling barriers to resources and opportunities in society so that all individuals & communities can live a full & dignified life. These barriers are essentially the “isms” in society: racism, classism, sexism, etc.

  • Equity: Allocating resources to ensure everyone has access to the same resources & opportunities. Equity recognizes that advantages and barriers—the ‘isms’—exist. Equity is the approach & equality is the outcome.

  • Diversity: The differences between us based on which we experience systemic advantages or encounter systemic barriers to opportunities.

  • Inclusion: Fostering a sense of belonging by centering, valuing, & amplifying the voices, perspectives & styles of those who experience more barriers based on their identities.

Statements of Solidarity

In light of recent events in the United States, many in the PLA community have joined us in releasing statements against racism, especially in public lands. Below are some of the statements they've shared:

JEDI Resources

Learn more about Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion through these resources: